Emoji When Writing an Essay:to use or not?

When is emoji appropriate and when is it not?

We live in an interesting time when emoji are perceived as a sign of incompetence when writing essays, term papers or research papers, but at the same time they are used by most people. According to the 2019 Emoji Trend Report, 61% of people send them to work. At the same time, 72% doubted whether to start. The negative attitude towards emoji can be explained by the fact that their use in business communication between a student and a teacher has historically been considered unprofessional. Researches in the sphere of social psychology confirm it. For example, in one experiment in 2017, participants rated an essay of one student with smileys as less competent than an essay without them.

However, the situation in the West has noticeably changed over the past three years - and continues to change. Sometimes students at universities are even allowed to use emoji when writing an essay, but as a rule this is a great rarity. Now there are cheap services that can help you write a great essay using emoji, of course if you need to write a standard essay - they will also do a great job.

Types of tasks in which it is undesirable to use emoticons

term papers

research paper


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